The travel industry has its own unique dynamics: research and booking spans many months; you are driving demand to fit capacity so price is variable; each booking journey will cover many touchpoints and intermediaries. How will your brand cut through the noise to convert prospects to bookers and bookers to rebookers?
more2 works with some of the UK’s leading travel specialists to ensure they compete for the right customers, and deliver them a personalised brand experience that leads to long term loyalty.
Giving you the digital edge
Digital marketing is almost all auction-based, from Google Search to Paid Social to Programmatic. To win the attention of ideal customers, you need to cover several areas:
- To have a commercial understanding of who they are and what they are worth and...
- To outbid your competitors for them for the right package at the right time, linking allowable Cost Per Acquisition to marginal contribution to maximise occupancy
- A campaign strategy on each platform that harnesses your audiences, products and messages for maximum combined effect
But that's only part of the story
more2 typically work as a fully integrated partner, building the customer insights, generating audience outputs, and managing digital campaigns, but we also play to your existing strengths. For example, if you already have strong digital capability, we complement that on the data and strategy side. Many of our clients also look to more2 for advice and media planning for offline channels such as mailings, press ads and DRTV. We are media-neutral, focused simply on what best meets your objectives.
We see around 30% of paid social bookings happening offline. Are you tracking and optimising for this?
Join a complimentary Teach-In workshop and learn to power your business with customer insights
Who is it for: Founders, CEOs, board members, and directors
How does it work: Interactive seminar on Zoom
What you get: Our proven principles and methods delivered in an intimate and interactive way with real-life examples
Why trust us: We have 20 years' experience growing 200+ brands
Using your data to cut through the noise
As channels proliferate, there are no shortage of ways to spend money, but which of them are actually driving incremental outcomes rather than stealing credit for them? The rising tide of digital privacy measures makes it harder to target audiences accurately and track their performance. We help you to leverage your first party data, both as a seed to acquire more of the right customers, and as a foundation for robust commercial evaluation of your marketing.
Over the many years we've worked in travel, we've developed a unique, travel-centric approach to data and strategy that takes into account the entire lifecycle of each customer. We answer questions such as:
- How do you maintain engagement with your customers across the many weeks of research and the various platforms they use?
- Do you understand your customer economics from when they first become a lead through to being a repeat booker? Are you able to work to a target Cost per Acquisition across channels and customer segments?
- How can I forecast revenue based on past booking behaviour and so improve my occupancy rates?
- How can I drive loyalty across holiday types: short break vs long holiday and single vs multiple destinations?
- How much should I personalise the experience for customers to strike a balance between commercial impact, cost and experience.
more2 act as a trusted advisor across all of your marketing activities, making investment decisions simpler and priorities clearer.
We'd be delighted to talk to you about your challenges, and help you quantify the revenue opportunity of adopting some of these principles in your business. Why not get in touch, or join one of our TeachIn workshops - they are jargon free and highly actionable!

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This is a short blurb for the CTA.