more2 are marketing scientists - we help brands to grow by better understanding and harnessing their customer data. Over 45% of our clients sell internationally with a particular focus on Europe and the US. The fundamental principles of using customer data for insight and strategy apply in every market, then we work with you and your local teams to localise and execute per country.
Services that cross borders
As well as helping many UK brands to sell internationally, we have a strong and growing connection with the Danish market. We worked with Dansk Erhverv to deliver the 2022 keynote to over 1,000 digital marketing leaders at their E-handelskonferencen. Then, more recently, we hosted a Masterclass with some of the leading ecommerce brands in Copenhagen. Principles proven over 20 years translate well to the sophisticated Danish retail market.
“The more2 Teach-In was really valuable – they provide a more strategic and holistic way of thinking about how customers drive business growth. The time passed quickly because they first covered a framework for success and then provided detailed examples to bring it to life. There was no sales pitch – they genuinely wanted to share knowledge and educate. Time well spent.”
Ecommerce, CRM and Performance Manager at Les Deux, Copenhagen
But that's only part of the story
more2 typically work as a fully integrated partner, building the customer insights, generating audience outputs, and managing digital campaigns, but we also play to your existing strengths. For example, if you already have strong digital capability, we complement that on the data and strategy side. Many of our clients also look to more2 for advice and media planning for offline channels such as mailings, press ads, outdoor and television. We are media-neutral, focused simply on what best meets your objectives.
We’re one of ten agencies who form Sideshow Group, a global challenger in digital experience and marketing services. Together, we span digital experience, UX design, creative, digital performance, data science, experimentation, transformation and proprietary customer data platforms. We have offices across the UK, Europe, US and Canada so we span many cultures within the group.
Join a complimentary Teach-In workshop and learn to power your business with customer insights
Who is it for: Founders, CEOs, board members, and directors
How does it work: Interactive seminar on Zoom
What you get: Our proven principles and methods delivered in an intimate and interactive way with real-life examples
Why trust us: We have 20 years' experience growing 200+ brands
With more2 as your partner...
You will build on your capability in exactly the places you need, for example:
- achieve greater confidence in your decision making, based on more robust insights and experience
- build and implement a full Customer Data Platform – transforming your customer data into a source of powerful, prioritised, and actionable insight
- see improved returns on marketing spend, through better allocation of resources and measurement
- work with an experienced and accredited Digital Performance Team, which brings together commercial client-side experience with in-depth technical expertise
- achieve greater clarity on your allowable cost to recruit and retain customers, giving greater certainty to your marketing investment
- expand performance marketing across European and international markets – sharing our knowledge of what works and learnings from other likeminded brands
- be able to benchmark your performance against more2’s experience of working with over 100 brand retailers
- optimise email capture and opt-in, plus understand how to use, and harness the data you collect
- support your offer/promotional strategy and merchandising decisions with a better understanding of how products and categories are being purchased by different customer segments over time
more2 act as a trusted advisor across all of your marketing activities, making investment decisions simpler and priorities clearer.
We'd be delighted to talk to you about your challenges, and help you quantify the revenue opportunity in your business. Why not get in touch, or join one of our TeachIn workshops - they are jargon free and highly actionable!